Alliance Leader states that Sinn Fein must commit to policing to seal the deal

Alliance Party Leader, David Ford, has stated that Sinn Fein must sign up to policing to ensure that any settlement will provide a stable Assembly in the long term. David Ford also stated that it is essential that all parties fully support the police and play a full role in the policing structures in Northern Ireland. His comments come at the talks at St Andrews as they focus in on the issue of policing and justice.

David Ford stated: “Sinn Fein should back the PSNI and become involved in policing structures. This would give the process a massive confidence boost. Such a move would provide the impetus to seal a deal to restore devolution.

“In August, the Alliance Party published five benchmarks on policing and the rule of law which all parties should fulfill in order secure stable and sustainable devolution in the long term.

“This is not just about sitting on the Policing Board, it is about full co-operation with Police Service at all levels. This applies to all parties, not just Sinn Fein.

“Sinn Fein must give sole recognition to the Police Service to ensure that a deal can be done to restore devolution.”


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