Tackling division vital to economy as well as society

Alliance MLA Kieran McCarthy has underlined the importance of tackling segregation and improving community relations in helping attract more investment to Northern Ireland as well as delivering a better future for everyone.

Kieran McCarthy MLA said: “We must send the clearest possible message to the world that Northern Ireland is taking pro-active steps to end segregation here. That means ending the duplication of services and delivering more shared and integrated education.

“Great efforts are being made to try and attract more investment here; however, if we are to be as effective in these efforts as possible, we need to transform our society to one which has no division within it.

“Potential investors look at the region they are considering investing in and examine factors that could impact on their business. The fact that division still exists in our society does not help us in marketing Northern Ireland for investment. Removing division and tackling segregation will help us build better community relations and deliver greater stability.

“To attract even more companies here we need to demonstrate that we are taking all the necessary steps forward as a society to create a shared future for everyone here.”


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