McCarthy says Executive is in difficulty again

Alliance Chief Whip Kieran McCarthy has stated that every time the Executive has a tough decision to make, they end up in disarray. He said that Northern Ireland needs stable government not brinkmanship. His comments come after Minister Margaret Ritchie and the SDLP issued threats about their future in the Executive and were angry about the financing of yesterday’s Executive winter fuel measures.

Kieran McCarthy MLA said: “Disappointingly, the Executive appears to be in disarray yet again. We have the SDLP and their Minister throwing the toys out of the pram over process issues surrounding yesterday’s winter fuel announcement.

“We have accusations flying round left, right and centre about the implications for the housing budget. We have had five months of stalemate and non-governance. We need stability in Northern Ireland at this difficult time, not government in-fighting.

“The SDLP should not be playing political games and making threats like we have seen in the past few days. It’s time that all the Executive parties started acting responsibly and realised the commitment they made to the people of Northern Ireland when they took up Ministerial posts.

“Every time Executive Ministers have a big decision to make, they end up in disarray. The brinkmanship and game-playing has to stop and real government must start working here in the long-term.”


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