Lo says ending division would let us tackle tuition fees

On the day that A-Level results were announced, Alliance Employment and Learning Spokesperson Anna Lo MLA has said that tackling segregation would help release cash that could be used to reduce or remove university tuition fees. Currently £1 billion every year is spent on maintaining division in Northern Ireland.

Anna Lo said: “We need to look at radical ways of releasing public money to allow us to make decisions that will greatly benefit people in Northern Ireland.

“By tackling segregation we could start freeing up £1 billion annually and look to removing or reducing university tuition fees. There are serious questions that need to be answered in Northern Ireland. Do people want segregated services instead of improved services and opportunities?

“Many students face massive debts when they graduate and this is a subject that needs to be addressed. We want to increase opportunities for people here and we need to examine the issue of tuition fees very closely.

“The tuition fee issue is one of a number of areas that we could address if the cash spent on maintaining a divided society was freed up. We would also look to improving frontline public services and public transport.”


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