Lo pleased that South Belfast burglary figures decrease

South Belfast Alliance MLA Anna Lo has welcomed news at a recent DDP meeting that the number of burglaries in her constituency has decreased by almost 17% between April 2009 and February 2010, and the same time the previous year. 653 were reported in this time, a decrease of 130 on those reported between April 2008 and February 2009.

Anna Lo MLA said: “This is positive news for South Belfast. People need to feel safe in their homes, and burglaries are a major concern for everyone. I am also very pleased that the clear-up rate for burglaries in the area has increased by 5%.

“Burglaries are a very traumatic experience and I am pleased that police work against this blight on our society has been more successful in recent times.

“One issue of concern at present; however, is the level of car crime in the area. Figures have risen from 399 to 595 in recent statistics also released at a recent South Belfast District Policing Partnership meeting. I would urge police to look at innovative ways to more effectively deter and combat this burgeoning problem.”


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