Hendron meets Libraries NI boss over closures

Belfast Alliance Councillor for Pottinger Maire Hendron has met Irene Knox, Chief Executive of Libraries NI over the proposals to close a number of libraries in Belfast.

Cllr Maire Hendron said: “I put the issue of these closures to her and she was very understanding about the concerns of the local people and the effect that the loss of these library services will have.

“There have been a number of public consultations on this issue and she said that she would take responses in consideration.

“We appreciate that these closures are being made as a result of necessary cutbacks that all Departments are being forced to make, but the needs of the community are very important and must be taken into account.

“Libraries NI has agreed to look at the possibility of using shared faculties with a number of organisations as a way of offering the same services at a reduced cost. Hopefully a way forward will be found which will mean the public does not lose out.”


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