Dickson criticises Health Minister over x-ray chaos

Alliance Councillor Stewart Dickson has criticised the Health Minister Michael McGimpsey over the delay in processing 18,000 x-rays at Altnagelvin hospital.

Cllr Stewart Dickson said: “I am shocked that this delay was allowed to happen. It appears that this problem was ignored and was not corrected the second a backlog started to build up. The public will be rightly worried at this chaos and I hope that all action is being taken to provide information and reassurance to those patients who faced a delay over their x-ray being processed.

“We have been assured that this was a once off and considering how early diagnosis from x-rays can save lives I should certainly hope we do not see this happening again.

“We have to seriously question whether the Minister is on top of his job as this appears to be another blunder on his watch.”


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