Council must provide fence to protect Dundonald bomb hoax robbery residents

Following last weekend’s Dundonald bomb hoax robberies, Castlereagh Alliance Councillor Michael Long has backed local residents’ bid to get the Council to install a fence at the back of their houses in Cumberland Road. Residents presented a petition to Castlereagh Borough Council last night and Cllr Long stated that that he would be demanding more police patrols in the area to protect residents from crime.

Cllr Michael Long said: “Last weekend’s robberies and the manner in which they were carried out were simply despicable. The Council must act quickly to protect these residents from the threat of further robberies.

“Local residents last night presented a petition to the Council calling for them to install a fence at the back of their houses. Local people deserve to feel safe in their homes, therefore they deserve the protection they need against burglaries.

“Burglars have has used land at the old railway line to access these properties, so something must be done to block this route.

“The Council must provide the funding necessary for a fence at the rear of these properties and must do so quickly.”


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