Cochrane says action vital to safeguard New York air route

On the day that MPs are due to hear evidence regarding air passenger duty, Alliance Finance Spokesperson Judith Cochrane MLA has called for action from the Westminster government to ensure Northern Ireland retains its air route to New York.

Judith Cochrane MLA said: “This is an issue of paramount importance. The New York route is an essential link for both business and tourism and to lose it would be a massive blow to Northern Ireland.

“Given that this route is thought to be worth around £20m annually to the Northern Ireland economy it is vitally important that we retain it.

“We need to see action from the Westminster government on air passenger duty to safeguard this route because the damage to the economy the loss of this flight could do is deeply worrying.

“Transport links and infrastructure are extremely important factors that businesses examine when deciding where to invest. We are in the process of looking at options to grow our private sector, like reducing corporation tax, and we simply must maintain this key link to North America.”


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