Alliance reveal strong East Belfast Council line-up

The East Belfast Alliance team which is to fight the local government elections has been confirmed at the official Nominations in City Hall. Sitting Councillor, Naomi Long MLA, will be running again in Victoria ward along with colleague Mervyn Jones, whilst Máire Hendron is bidding to retake the Alliance seat in Pottinger, which was only narrowly lost to Sinn Féin at the last election.

Speaking after nominations, Cllr Naomi Long said, “Alliance has yet again fielded a strong and effective team for east Belfast. Máire Hendron, a

local resident and former school teacher, has been actively involved in voluntary community work in East Belfast over many years. She has already

tasted success in her campaign for better road safety, recently securing a new pedestrian crossing on Beersbridge Road. Mervyn Jones, formerly an East Belfast Councillor for 16 years and local activist on issues as diverse as housing and recycling, is now living in Victoria, and will be replacing out-going Councillor, David Alderdice who, following his move to North Down, will be contesting local government and Westminster elections there.

She continued, “As a local Councillor and Assembly Member, I have worked hard on a wide range of issues, from planning policy and control to road

safety. As a Member of The District Policing Partnership, I have proactively worked with the police and other agencies to make Victoria a

safer place to live and work, finding local solutions to address local crime, including anti-social behaviour, attacks on older people and


“The last 8 years have seen massive changes in City Hall. When we in Alliance hold the balance of power we deliver constructive change and

progress. The City Hall used to be a byword for friction, bigotry and ridicule. By contrast, there is now a great deal of business transacted

in a fair and transparent way for the benefit of all the people of Belfast.

“We need to use the next four years to continue our push for more efficiency in City Hall, to ensure best value services for ratepayers,

particularly given the increased rate burden of waste management.

“I believe that Mervyn, Máire and I provide a strong, articulate and experienced local team for East Belfast.”


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