Alliance launches attack on Paisley Jnr over offensive remarks

Alliance Party Vice Chair Michael Long has launched a scathing attack on the DUP’s Ian Paisley Jnr, following offensive comments made by the Junior Minister about homosexuals to Hotpress magazine.

The Castlereagh Councillor said: “Ian Paisley Jnr’s comments were disgraceful and extremely irresponsible.

“Given that he is a Junior Minister in charge of overseeing equality measures within OFMDFM, his comments are even more unpalatable.

“How does he expect people to believe that any of the equality policies from OFMDFM are credible when he makes remarks of this nature.

“This is not the first time that he has made offensive comments about homosexuals. This latest outburst will leave people with little confidence in the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister.”


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