Naomi Long said: “The extreme weather we have seen across Northern Ireland has resulted in widespread and severe flooding.
“Whilst I accept that such severe weather across such a wide area puts all the agencies under pressure, I have grave concerns about the response by several of the agencies who deal with flooding issues. Many of the agencies seem to have been totally unprepared to deal with the heavy rainfall.
“I have particular concerns regarding the long delays for those calling the Floodline number and many constituents simply gave up trying to get through. We have had similar problems in the past and I am disappointed that lessons would not appear to have been learnt
“The lack of foresight by the agencies has proved disastrous for many, who have seen their homes flooded and possessions ruined; however, I would like to pay tribute to the people on the ground who have been working extremely hard in horrendous conditions.
“During the evening, our party representatives have been working to try and report and resolve problems and we will continue to do our best to help people across East Belfast and assist all the statutory agencies in whatever way we can.”