Truth will emerge over leaflet: Ford

David Ford, leader of Alliance, has criticised David Trimble for his failure to take seriously the allegations of a dirty tricks leaflet. He

said that despite the attitude of the UUP, the truth will emerge.

David Ford said:

“Almost a week ago, I publicised the existence of the ‘dirty trick’

leaflet that pretends to come from Alliance but does not. Yet in a radio

interview broadcast on Saturday, Mr Trimble refused to take the issue

seriously. He alleged it was an Alliance stunt.

“If anyone had discovered a leaflet which clearly benefited my party, and

shown that it was produced by a company with business links to us, I would

have immediately ensured that the matter was properly investigated. I

would have considered it a matter of honour. Why does Mr Trimble not do

the same?

“The issue is now being investigated in a joint operation by the Electoral Commission and the Police. Alliance is in a position to supply details of the publisher of the leaflet, its printer and the distribution company. We also have information on the number printed and the areas in which it is being delivered — now known to be in at least eight constituencies.

“I am confident that the truth will emerge, and it now seems certain that those responsible have breached criminal law on campaign expenditure.

“I am sure that Alliance supporters will see through this desperate attempt to swing votes and stick to their principles.”


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