Three hour traffic delays show that Executive has to improve public transport

Following three hour traffic delays in parts of Belfast last night, East Antrim Alliance MLA Séan Neeson has demanded that the Executive face up to this problem and invest far more money in public transport. The traffic chaos came as a result of accidents in Carnmoney, Greenisland and Dundonald.

The Opposition MLA said: “Its time that the Executive sorted this massive transport problem out. Last night’s traffic chaos was not an isolated incident.

“They have to redress the current funding imbalance and make our public transport better. It is essential that they get people out of their cars.

“Belfast is the only big city in Europe that has its transport plan based on the presumption that every car will contain only one person. This is simply not acceptable.

“My thoughts are with the family of the young boy who was tragically killed in the accident in Dundonald last night. This devastating incident has saddened the whole community.

“We started to shift the balance toward public transport in the last Assembly but not nearly enough was done to alleviate traffic congestion. This Executive has to start changing the car culture that exists in Northern Ireland.”


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