Poverty is a real problem in Northern Ireland – time to tackle it

Alliance Party Spokesperson Kieran McCarthy has called for action to combat poverty in Northern Ireland. He stated that the gulf between rich and poor people is growing and that this many families struggle to pay rent, pay household bills and buy food. His comments come as the Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network launched a training programme to help community groups address poverty.

The Strangford representative said: “Poverty is often a hidden problem in Northern Ireland. The gulf between rich and poor people is growing and that means that many people struggle to have an acceptable standard of living.

“We can see this problem growing with the spiralling cost of housing and the crisis within the social housing sector. Many people might never be able to afford a house, rental prices are extremely high and there is a real lack of social housing in many areas.

“I welcome the Anti-Poverty Network’s programme to help communities tackle this growing problem and we will keep the pressure on government to ensure that more social housing is provided and that the issue of tackling poverty is addressed.”

“We want to see genuine power sharing in Northern Ireland which will promote sustainable economic growth that will benefit everyone, not some sort of political and economic quick fix which will make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer.”


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