Police operation saved lives, says Long

A police operation in Derry/Londonderry has undoubtedly saved lives, Alliance Justice Minister Naomi Long has said.

Speaking after the PSNI confirmed they had recovered a bomb, handgun and ammunition following an extensive search she added: “Those intent on bringing Northern Ireland back to the dark days of violence have absolutely nothing to offer our community. They go against the democratic principles that the vast majority of people in our society support.

“Leaving such items anywhere, but in particular near a housing estate, poses a real danger to everyone who lives in the area.

“The police have undoubtedly saved lives today and their actions keep people safe. They do this without fear or favour, despite being under threat themselves. Their actions are in stark contrast to the callous and malicious behaviour of those who would seek to use potentially lethal weapons to control their own communities through fear and violence.

“We must all work together as a community to bring these people to justice. I would appeal to anyone with any information to contact the police on 101 or the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.”
