Neeson welcomes decision to keep HMS Caroline in Northern Ireland

Alliance Councillor Sean Neeson has welcomed the news that agreement has been reached that will ensure the World War One warship HMS Caroline will continue to remain in Belfast. Sean has a long interest in maritime heritage.

Cllr Sean Neeson said: “I would very much like to welcome the agreement that will allow HMS Caroline to remain in Northern Ireland. This will ensure that we continue to have a great range of maritime heritage.

“After the recent success of the Titanic centenary, I hope that HMS Caroline can be a focus point for commemorations of World War One, especially as it is the last surviving ship from the battle of Jutland.

“However, the campaign to save HMS Caroline has shown that we need to single agency to deal with all of our maritime heritage. We have several ships and other items from our maritime history but they are looked after by different Government Departments and agencies. It is time that we have one agency to look after them all to avoid another scramble to ensure we do not lose another part of our maritime heritage.”
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