Neeson – Executive must act now to deal with high unemployment

Alliance Enterprise spokesperson Sean Neeson MLA has commented on the latest jobless figures by saying that the Executive is still failing to provide radical thought to help boost the local economy. Another 1,100 people became unemployed last month, which means that the total is now 53,800. This figure was however the smallest monthly rise in 15 months.

Sean Neeson MLA said: “This news shows that the economic downturn is still continuing to have a big effect on people in Northern Ireland.

“The Northern Ireland jobless figure is now rising faster than anywhere else in the UK. The Executive must act now to help combat this level of unemployment, particularly in public service contracts. They must urgently create a green new deal and harness the potential that this holds.

“So far the Executive’s response to the economic downturn has been minimal in its effectiveness. They must do better, and they must do better now.”


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