Alliance Councillor Ross McMullan has said a wider roll out of more 20mph zones across Belfast could play a key part in the City’s Covid-19 recovery as a greater push is put on active travel.
The Alliance team in Belfast City Hall has been keen to see this project move forward for some time, with the Department of Infrastructure still to release the results of its pilot programme and suggested next steps.
Ross said: “The Minister has made it clear that transport is going to look different in a post Covid-19 era. The lockdown has seen quieter roads on main arterial roads, built up areas residential streets too, with more people having the confidence to cycle than before. With lockdown currently easing, social distancing will be a feature of our daily lives for some time. We need to ensure that our streets are accessible and safer for everyone and that the days of prioritising the car over other of travel are over.
“That’s why with more people being encouraged to seek alternative modes of transport, we must have the infrastructure in place to protect and enhance the environment for the greater number of walkers adhering to social distancing and cyclists.
“The Department has made great commitments which I hope they can follow through on. Alliance will be pushing to see the results of the pilot programme published and will be encouraging the Minister to actively engage in rolling this project out across greater Belfast.”