McCarthy: Reduction in health provision is of great concern

Alliance Health spokesperson, Kieran McCarthy MLA, has said that proposals to close the MS respite centre at Dalriada Hospital are a consequence of the mismanagement of the Health budget. He was speaking during an Assembly debate. The Health Minister has announced an eight week consultation on the proposed closure.

Kieran McCarthy MLA said: “The proposed reduction in the provision of health services is of great concern. The fact that this situation has arisen raises questions regarding the financial management or mismanagement of the Health budget, and brings into question its sustainability in coming years.

“We know that the available resources are not going to keep pace with the growing levels of demand. Some tough and radical decisions will have to be taken in relation to tackling waste and delivering greater efficiency.

“The reaction against this closure has been very strong, and rightly so. I believe that this is the combination of both the loss of the facility but also a scepticism over the reliability of the alternative provision offered.

“I would urge the public to take part in the consultation on the future of Dalriada. I hope the Health Minister will take the public’s responses into consideration and not just use this consultation as window dressing.”


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