Local Alliance Councillor Máire Hendron has revealed that Belfast City Council’s Policy and Resources Committee has today unanimously given approval for funding for the Water Babies crèche project in Short Strand in East Belfast . She welcomed the move and said it is an important and very positive scheme.
Cllr Máire Hendron said: “I am very pleased that at the Council’s policy and resources meeting it was agreed unanimously to allocate a sum of money to the Water Babies project. This is a proposed social economy company based in Short Strand which will provide crèche facilities for everyone.
“In anticipation of this project, childcare training has been in place for some time which will enable young people to take up employment in this venture.
“I am grateful to my fellow councillors for having the vision to agree to the approval of funding for this project. This is a significant boost to the local economy and to families in the vicinity. Real politics is meant to be about delivery and this is a positive example of this.”