Hendron comments ahead of Belfast Council vote on Armed Forces Day flag

Alliance Belfast Council Group Leader Cllr Maire Hendron has commented ahead of a vote in Belfast Council on Thursday on the flying of the Armed Forces Day Flag. The DUP have proposed that it is flown for six days but Alliance have proposed an amendment that it just flown on the Armed Forces Day.

Cllr Maire Hendron said: “Once again the matter of flag flying has raised its head. This time it is whether, or for how long the Armed Forces Flag will be flown over Belfast City Hall.

“Predictably the two largest parties which profess to care about a Shared Community have taken their usual stances – Sinn Fein and the SDLP do not want the flag to be flown at all and the DUP and Ulster Unionists want it to be flown for six days.

“It has been accepted practice in the City Hall to fly St Patrick’s flag or the European flag or other such flags, for one day only. The Alliance Party Group will propose that the flag be flown on Armed Forces Day.

“Alliance respects the Armed Forces Flag and what it represents. Alliance believes that we can without rancour, or without creating offence, fly the flag for one day, to acknowledge the dead and injured, and those serving members of the Armed Forces who have experienced all the horrors of war.”


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