Farry frustrated at early finish at the Assembly

Alliance MLA Stephen Farry has expressed annoyance that another Assembly sitting has ended early, even though the UK Comprehensive Spending Review is less than three weeks away and there are many challenges facing Northern Ireland at present.

Stephen Farry MLA said: “Less than three weeks away from the UK Comprehensive Spending Review, people will surely find it strange that Assembly business is petering out so early.

“There are a wide range of critical challenges facing Northern Ireland at present but also many opportunities to be seized. MLAs are more than happy to fulfill their role of scrutinising Executive Departments and taking forward legislation but we can only do this where the Executive produces regular business. The credibility of the Assembly in the eyes of the public is already suffering and it is important that we do not further compound this impression through regularly having light workloads at Assembly plenary sessions.

“Politicians have to do their best to build public confidence in politics and early finishes like this do no good for the image of the Assembly. We need to demonstrate that politics can make a positive difference to people’s lives and Assembly sittings that finish early do not reflect well on politics here.”


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