Duncan welcomes road safety measures for schoolchildren

Alliance Castlereagh Councillor Sara Duncan has welcomed news that Roads Service will be implementing safety measures in the Cairnshill Park area, particularly as they improve the safety children walking to Cairnshill Primary School.

Sara Duncan stated: “I have been campaigning for safety measures in the Burnside Park/Cairnshill Park area since last summer. It can be a very dangerous route for pedestrians, particularly for schoolchildren going to Cairnshill Primary School, due to the geography of the area and the volume of traffic.

“These things always take much longer than we would like. However, I am pleased that Roads Service has carried out a survey and reached the same conclusion.

“There will now be consultation between Roads Service and local residents for inclusion of the area in its 2006/2007 traffic calming programme.

“I would ask residents to respond to a leaflet to be delivered before this summer to ensure we get the best and safest possible measures in place.”


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