Caslereagh Councillor Sara Duncan has said residents of Forestgrove are concerned about a planning application for a BT Cellnet base station to be erected at Wright’s Engineering Works at Cedarhurst Road.
Residents whose houses back onto the works are concerned about potential ill-effects on their children from emissions, and Cllr Duncan pointed out that Castlereagh Council has a policy of objecting to any installations placed near people’s homes.
Cllr Duncan said: “When this application comes before the Council’s planning committee, I will be strenuously objecting on behalf of alarmed residents, and asking for a letter stating this to be sent from the Council.”
“We still do not know for sure the long-term effects of emissions from such masts on the health and wellbeing of children and adults. I remain to be convinced that there are no harmful effects from base stations and telecommunication masts, and we need to take residents’ concerns on this issue seriously.”