Dickson supports Carrickfergus Foodbank fundraising day at Tesco

East Antrim Alliance MLA, Stewart Dickson, joined Carrick Foodbank volunteers and Tesco staff to support their Fundraising Day at the Carrick store.

Stewart Dickson said: “I am delighted to support the ninth Neighbourhood Food Collection. The partnership between Tesco, the Carrickfergus Foodbank, the Trussell Trust and Fareshare has helped provide more than 2.8 million meals to people in need.

“The work of the volunteers, Tesco staff, and the incredible generosity of customers, is an example for us all.

“I am a great supporter of this charity and the Trussell Trust, which provides support and three days’ emergency food to more than one million people, including 400,000 children.

“It is even more important as Tory cuts begin to bite and as we migrate from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independent Payment (PIP), and people are disallowed a benefit, that such a safety net, no matter how unpalatable, exists for people who find themselves at a very low ebb. Of course we also need compassion, consideration and flexibility when benefit claims are being assessed in the first place.

“I was delighted to observe TESCO customers (including children) giving so generously and to discuss the ethos of Foodbanks with Carrickfergus Foodbank volunteers Elizabeth Nicholl and Jill McIlreany. Just where would some people be without those who are willing to give so freely of their time to assist those who are in such dire need?

“Should anyone have a genuine need for the services of the Carrickfergus Foodbank they can access the service through my Constituency Office on 028 9335 0286.”

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