Campbell says councils should consider fines for car litter droppers

Newtownabbey Alliance Councillor Tom Campbell has stated that local councils should examine using CCTV to impose fines on those who drop litter from cars. The scheme has been proposed in England, and Cllr Campbell believes that it could have a positive impact here too.

Cllr Tom Campbell said: “I think that local councils should be examining the use of CCTV to catch people who throw litter from their car.

“In towns and cities across Northern Ireland we have cameras and these systems could potentially be used to tackle litterbugs. Using such a method would send out a strong message that people in cars cannot get away with such behaviour. The car’s owner should be contacted and asked to reveal who dropped the litter. If they cannot or will not say, then they should pay the fine.

“Its annoying when you see people throwing a plastic bag full of take away boxes and chip papers out of their car window, without any thought for the environment. Fixed penalty fines for those that litter from cars will act as a deterrent and hopefully keep our streets and towns cleaner.

“Councils need to consider radical new schemes if they are to make a dent in our environmental problems and to change public culture.”


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