Campbell attacks police cuts

Alliance Councillor Tom Campbell has expressed his concern at a recommendation that Policing numbers should drop by almost 1,500 Police officers by 2011.

Cllr Campbell, a member of Newtownabbey DPP, said :

” There is a unease that the level of reported crime may not reflect the experience of crime in reality but the concern is that this is a huge proposed cut in the number of Police officers which will have a significant impact on all Police Command sectors. Those who prepare such reports should not make recommendations on the basis of statistics alone as these can be manipulated to suit every argument but should take the time to attend meetings in this community dealing with the real concerns about crime and anti social activity.”

Cllr Campbell said:

” I am not impressed by the Governments statement that no reduction would be implemented without having regard to the overall security situation at that time. This Government has been adept at ignoring local opposition to unpopular decisions. I have no reason to believe that these recommendations will be implemented in full when the time comes. I share the concerns expressed forcefully by the Police Federation that such plans could potentially reduce the Policing service to the public to a “dangerously unacceptable level”. Police numbers would effectively be halved from those we had a few years ago if these recommendations ware implemented. Whilst the security situation has changed in those years it is not such that such a drastic reduction could be justified. This report may regrettably be proved to have been founded on an overly optimistic and unrealistic view of the threat to the public from criminals and paramilitary organisations.”


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