Bin microchips will encourage more recycling – Alliance

Alliance Spokesperson Cllr Alan Lawther has said that microchips fitted to bins by councils are useful because they can help increase recycling in Northern Ireland. The small microchips can help monitor recycling levels and will encourage businesses to recycle more of their waste.

The Antrim Councillor stated: “These microchips will encourage businesses to be more environmentally friendly, as they let councils measure how much how much recycling businesses are doing.

“Councils pay by the tonne for disposing of waste, so why should business polluters not pay by the tonne of waste they produce. It is well known fact that by measuring recycling levels it improves people’s behaviour. For example, homes that chose to install water meters in England have reduced their consumption by 10%.

“I welcome the fact that Antrim Borough Council are using bins with microchips, as it will encourage greater levels of recycling in the area.

“There are no plans to charge businesses for the amount of waste they produce, but I would welcome them identifying and educating those who fall well below the average recycling rate. After all, those who fail to recycle their fair share of waste are being subsidised by the rest of us who do.”


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