Another example of Executive power grab – Long

Alliance Party Leader Naomi Long has criticised the Communities Minister Paul Givan following his statement that he will not transfer regeneration powers to local government.
Naomi Long said: “Local government has been calling for the transfer of regeneration powers from the Executive to allow them to streamline community, economic and land use planning with land assembly and regeneration.
“There will be great disappointment at this move to hold onto something that is best delivered at a local level. In some areas, such as Bangor and Belfast, work has already been undertaken by the council in anticipation of obtaining regeneration powers.
“This is another example of the control freakery of the two big parties, holding onto power that the reform of local government had promised would be passed to our councils.
“It is clear the Minister does not have the support of the NI Local Government Association or any local council, as he failed to name one that supported his position when challenged. I call on him to reconsider this short sighted decision and do what local government expects and that which is in the best interests of the people we represent.”
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