Another election will solve nothing, says Farry

Another election will solve nothing, Alliance Deputy Leader Stephen Farry has said, after Sinn Fein said another poll should be called if the talks do not result in a deal by the end of this week.

The Secretary of State has said a decision would be made this weekend on the future of negotiations, however Sinn Fein stated another election should be called if no agreement is reached by Friday.

But Dr Farry said an election wouldn’t change much in terms of the need for a solution to the issues.

“Parties have already gone to the electorate twice in the past year and the most recently just over a month ago. People have had their say and almost 65 per cent of the available voters said they wanted to see devolution up and running again.

“Another election would solve nothing, except returning MLAs to talks about the same topics. Alliance doesn’t fear another poll but we also realise there is no alternative to devolution which would resolve the issues on the table. Parties need to spend time discussing those issues and looking to restore power-sharing.

“That is the job MLAs have been entrusted with by the public, who voted for them in good faith. Parties need to realise that and get solving the issues that matter for the people of Northern Ireland.”

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