Alliance takes part in protest to demand more funding for the Arts

Alliance Arts Spokesperson Cllr Sara Duncan has demanded more funding be given to local Arts project at a protest in Belfast ‘s Cathedral Quarter today. The protest was organised by Invest in Inspiration and was held to raise awareness at the lack of public cash made available for local arts projects.

Cllr Sara Duncan is Chair of Castlereagh One Act Play Festival, is a member and former Chair of Castlereagh Arts Committee and is an audio describer for the Blind and visually impaired in the Lyric Theatre.

The Castlereagh Councillor said: “Our artists, whether painters, poets, writers, musicians, or dancers, are what makes Northern Ireland unique. We must support artists with a realistic Arts budget. Everyone’s lives are enriched by taking parting in Arts events.

“The amount of cash needed to assist the Arts sector is relatively small when you look at the overall budget for Northern Ireland. The Arts sector enriches local society greatly and deserves extra financial support.

“Investing in our Arts sector will have a massive positive knock-on effect in other areas. For example, more tourists will be attracted to Northern Ireland by the quality of our Arts Events, and this will help boost our economy.

“Alliance supports increased funding for the Arts, and I am pleased to be able to help the campaign for more funding for Community Arts groups and individual artists.”


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