Announcing his candidacy today, Mr Bullick took the opportunity to criticise the decision by Unionist Parties to field a joint candidate and Sinn Fein for their continued refusal to attend Westminster.
Eric Bullick said: “I am delighted to have been selected to stand for the Alliance Party in this by-election. Alliance is the only party who are genuine about delivering a shared future and breaking down the divisions in our society. The publication of ‘For Everyone’ – our blueprint for a shared future – proves that we are committed to achieving this, while others just simply pay lip service to this issue.
“I am disappointed by the decision of the DUP and UUP to force a joint candidate on the public and reduce the choice for the electorate to decide who their representative is. This is an ugly and nasty tribal pact, which stands against everything that a democracy should be.
“Just like my colleague Naomi Long, I will take my seat in Westminster if elected, where I would speak and vote on important issues such as tax and social welfare. The continuing refusal of Sinn Fein to take the seat means that the public in Mid Ulster are not being represented on issues that will affect so many people.
“As we attempt to recover from the economic downturn, now is not the time for absenteeism, now is the time for Mid Ulster to have an MP who will speak out for everyone.”
Bio: Erick Bullick
- Born and lived most of his life in Co.Tyrone
- Married with two sons
- Active in Alliance Party since 1975
- Holds qualifications from Lancaster Uni, QUB and University of Ulster
- Awarded a Masters Degree in Peace & Conflict Resolution Studies
- Headteacher of Denamona Primary School Fintona (1979 – 1993)
- Headteacher of Omagh Integrated Primary School (1993 – 2009)
- Founder and Current Governor of Drumragh Integrated College Omagh
- Member of Omagh District Policing and Community Safety Partnership