Speaking at the Alliance 5works event at the Odyssey in Belfast, David Ford stated: ” It is time we moved forward, away from the failed tribal politics of the past. You have the opportunity to send out a message that you will not be messed around any more by politicians whose power is based on division.
“Its because of the irresponsibility of the last Executive, we are now face with water charges, rates hikes, and other stealth taxes.
“Everyone says that this election is about delivery. In 1998, the Ulster Unionists and SDLP had their chance to deliver stable devolution but failed. The DUP won’t even talk to Sinn Fein, so they will fail too.
“This election is about making our political class work. It is time power was placed in the hands of our people through elected institutions that work. But only Alliance can be trusted to work them.
“It is apparent that people are angry. They must voice that anger at the polls on 7 March. It is time for the alternative. It is time for Alliance.”