Alliance helps people living in Aylesbury and Alderley area on road maintenance

Alliance MLA for the area David Ford and Newtownabbey Alliance Councillors Lynn Frazer and John Blair have met with Environment Minister Alex Attwood and Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy regarding the potential adoption of roads and the water supply in the Aylesbury and Alderley housing developments, off the N21 off the Mallusk Road. The N21 road looks likely to be adopted by Roads Service in the near future.

David Ford said: “We met with the Ministers to discuss ongoing issues with unadopted roads and the water supply and we are pleased with the progress that we are helping deliver on these very important issues.”

Alliance Councillor for the area John Blair said: “We doing our best to help residents get any concerns with roads and utilities resolved.”

Newtownabbey Councillor Lynn Fraser said: “We want to take this opportunity to update people and let people know we are doing our best to try and address any outstanding issues.”


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