Chris Lyttle MLA said: “This is the first time a devolved government in Northern Ireland has produced its own community relations strategy, and whilst it is not without limitations, I would welcome the long overdue opportunity for public debate on how we best deliver a shared and better future. For too long this issue has been allowed to gather dust on a shelf, we are finally getting progress in this vitally important area.
“The Alliance Party priority has always been for a shared society with the social cohesion and economic development that would help build a more prosperous future for all.
“This document prioritises the creation of shared spaces, shared housing, shared education, the removal of cultural and physical barriers and for the first time provides for a Ministerial Panel that will coordinate cross-departmental action on community relations policy.
“There are undoubtedly improvements to be made to this draft strategy though and I would encourage members of the public from whatever background, community and voluntary, education, private or public sector to engage and respond to this important public consultation.”