Lo says people need answers on Ormeau gas leak

South Belfast Alliance MLA Anna Lo has expressed frustration at the disruption cause by a gas leak at Ormeau Bridge which appears to have been cause by someone who deliberately set a fire. Around 200 people had to be evacuated from their homes last night and traffic was also prevented from using the bridge.

Anna Lo said: “This seems to be a very sinister situation. It appears someone started this fire deliberately – this caused the gas leak and could have caused untold carnage.

“It’s a miracle that no-one was hurt and that the bridge was not extensively damaged.

“My thoughts are with the people evacuated from their homes through the night as this has been a disgraceful disruption for them.

“People need answers on exactly how this started and we need a full investigation to catch the culprits, if this was deliberate.

“It’s astounding think that anyone would be foolish and thoughtless enough to light a fire under a gas pipeline.”


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