The motion from Councillor Long – Alliance’s Group leader on Belfast City Council – was referred back to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, after he brought it to the Council tonight. It will see the Council put together plans to make the party leaders’ forum more open and transparent.
“Alliance wants to see a new era of accountability,” said Councillor Long.
“This is the next step in our plan to make Belfast City Council fully accessible to all our citizens.
“The Party Group Leaders’ Forum is where many key decisions are taken and while it is understandable discussions between group party leaders are confidential, the public has a right to know when decisions are reached, and what exactly has been agreed.
“There must be complete openness and transparency around these decisions – not the version that is often tainted by party political point scoring and often finds its way into the press after meetings. This is about taking steps to ensure myself and other party group leaders can be held accountable for the choices we make.”