The Alliance MP said the incident, which saw an under-car device placed on the man’s vehicle, had the potential to end in the death of the former officer and his 12-year-old daughter, who he was taking to school at the time.
Naomi Long MP said: “This was an attack not only on this former policeman but on the whole community and every right-thinking person will condemn it. My best wishes are with the family at what must be a very distressing time for them.
“Those who planted this device are utterly reckless, to do so in a built-up area and endanger the public is beyond contempt. While most people here are focused on moving forward towards a peaceful future, sadly there are still people who want to engage in nothing but violence.”
Mrs Long’s Alliance colleague, Castlereagh Councillor Tim Morrow, joined her condemnation.
“I would encourage everyone in the community to work alongside the police in order to stop the activities of those behind the likes of today’s terrible incident.
“We need to work together to build a peaceful future where we will no longer see this kind of mayhem visited upon people.”