David Ford said: “There is a real unity of purpose now in Northern Ireland . The deeply sad events in Antrim and Craigavon have brought the community together. Everyone I met in the US Congress and in the Obama administration over the past few days entirely agreed with the lead given by the people of Antrim and Craigavon, and politicians in Northern Ireland.
” Northern Ireland must maintain this unity, politicians must continue to show leadership and they must listen to the message of hope for peace that came from recent rallies across Northern Ireland.
“The community has been united in its condemnation of the killings. The past fortnight has underlined the need for an end to division in our society – the people are now acting as one, we must let them become one. Ending segregation will also end the circumstances which give dissidents the ability recruit, create fear and breed sectarianism.
“There is no room for complacency in ending division. The unity of purpose from across the political spectrum in the past fortnight must culminate in the creation of a united community.
” Alliance is the unity party – we have long campaigned to end division and last week’s tragic events have acted to strengthen our resolve to do so.”