Ford opens Anna Lo’s South Belfast constituency office

Alliance Leader David Ford is today formally opening Anna Lo’s constituency office in South Belfast. The opening of the new office, within party headquarters at 88 University Street, is taking place at 12.15pm, and there will be a Chinese Lion dance display, as well as a musical performance by local schoolchildren.

David Ford said: “I am very pleased to formally open Anna’s office today. Anna and her South Belfast team do excellent work in the area and this office is already the hub of their activities.

“Alliance works for everyone, and anyone in the area who needs assistance of any kind should contact Anna.

“Alliance is growing by the day and Anna and her hardworking team are testament to the popularity of the party.

“People are tired of this failing Executive and want to see real delivery instead of delay. Only Alliance can push the Executive to start delivering and we will not let them off the hook over their deeply flawed plans.”


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