Fishing tax will hit our tourism industry hard

Alliance Party Chief Whip Kieran McCarthy MLA has blasted government moves to impose sea fishing licenses in Northern Ireland. The former DCAL Assembly Committee member stated that the move will be a blow to the local tourism and leisure industry.

The Strangford MLA said: “I am angry at Government plans to introduce sea fishing licenses. As a former member of the Culture Arts and Leisure in the last Assembly, I feel that this is an unnecessary curb on a valued part of our tourism and leisure sector.

“This plan will impact upon the tourist industry, because anyone who wants to fish at harbours will have to stump up extra cash, and this may put tourists off. My own area, Strangford, will be particularly badly affected by this measure.

“First, the government decided to impose tap tax, now we have a fishing tax being forced on us. What will be next, charging us for the air we breathe?

“The Assembly must overturn this ridiculous legislation when it is restored on 8 May.”


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