Cochrane lends her support to National Playday

Alliance East Belfast MLA Judith Cochrane has leant her support to the National Playday which is taking place today. The event is in its 25th year and aims to highlight children’s right to play and the importance of play in children’s lives.

Judith Cochrane MLA said: “As a mother to two young girls, I know myself the importance of ensuring that children get the opportunity to play.

“It can have huge benefits especially when they are at important stages of their development. It helps improve their social skills as well as their understanding of how to work and co-operate with other children.

“While we may think it is universal that every child has the opportunity to play, this however is not always the case. Not getting enough activity or just watching the television inside all day is not going to be good for the wellbeing of children. It is the right of every child to be able to get outside and play.

“I would encourage all parents to ensure that their children have an opportunity to play several times each week. We may not realise the importance of ensuring that they can do so but the results can ensure that they get a good start to life.”


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