Stewart Dickson MLA said: “This is a superb programme funded by the Public Health Agency to encourage smokers to quit. Judith West and Carolyn Murphy were providing sound advice and to help those who want to, but find it difficult, to beat this very unhealthy habit.”
Cllr Noel Williams said: “I have never smoked, but I really don’t know why as my parents and siblings were all smokers. I can’t say I can even imagine how hard it might be to give it up, however, I do know how unhealthy it can be as I have been affected by cancer in the wider family. It is never too late to give it up.”
Commenting on the briefing by the Cancer Focus staff, Cllr Gavin Norris concluded: “Carolyn and Judith were giving practical guidance and support on everything from will-power to stop-smoking medicines and medical advice. They also demonstrated just how much money you can save by quitting.”
Anyone seeking help and support that’s right for them should call the Smokers Helpline on 0808 812 8008 or visit