Ford’s private member’s bill on abortion reform to be officially moved

David Ford MLA’s private member’s bill on abortion reform will be officially moved in the Assembly tomorrow (Tuesday), after it was accepted by Stormont’s Business Office.

The proposed legislation seeks to reform the law around termination of pregnancy in cases of fatal foetal abnormalities (FFA). If passed, it would enable women carrying a foetus with a fatal abnormality to access a termination legally in Northern Ireland. It follows a previous attempt by Mr Ford to change the law while Justice Minister. The next stage will take place in the new year.

“I am pleased the Speaker’s Office has now decided to accept my private member’s bill and begin the process which I hope leads to the reform desperately needed for women in Northern Ireland who wish to access terminations,” he said.

“As Justice Minister, I attempted to bring legislation to the Executive to allow that but other parties blocked it and failed to accept my recommendations. That left women in those circumstances with no option but to continue the pregnancy or make the journey to England to seek a termination.

“My Bill solely deals with abortion in cases of fatal foetal abnormalities. I hope it will be the next step on the road to both confronting and changing the reality of the situation women given such a diagnosis currently face.”

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