McDonough Brown: Unionist bridge opposition proves South Belfast deserves better

Alliance Councillor Emmet McDonough Brown has said a new bridge linking the Ozone and the Gasworks will ‘greatly enhance’ community relations in South Belfast, as well as significantly improving cycling and pedestrian routes in the area.

The South Belfast representative was speaking as plans – originally championed by then UUP DRD Minister Danny Kennedy – were passed by Belfast City Council, despite opposition from the DUP, UUP, TUV and PUP.

“I believe our city deserves better than we saw last night, when unionists united in opposition to a new bridge between the Ormeau Park and the Gasworks,” said Councillor Emmet McDonough-Brown.

“Instead of focusing on the positive aspects of the proposal, such as connecting communities with opportunities and transforming walking and cycling routes into the city centre, unionists tried to block this and in so doing showed the narrowness of their focus and demonstrated their lack of ambition for Belfast. No objections were received despite extensive consultation.

“I welcome the major improvements in access this bridge will create for communities in the lower Ormeau and lower Ravenhill areas, and I am delighted that it will make Ormeau Park more easily accessible. I believe breaking down physical barriers between communities is positive. People in the south and east of the city will benefit from another route into the city centre and easier access to opportunities in the Gasworks.

“I look forward to work commencing on the project and I challenge unionists to develop a positive agenda for this city.”

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