Clarke: CCMS must listen to community on future of St Patrick’s Primary School

Alliance Councillor Patrick Clarke has urged the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) to work with the community and stakeholders in the Burrenreagh area, Castlewellan, in a bid to retain St Patrick’s Primary School.

The Down District Councillor made his comments after receiving a written response from the CCMS, to a letter highlighting his concerns.

Councillor Patrick Clarke said: “The written response I received from the Chief Executive of the CCMS leaves me quite concerned. I did not receive any clarification to my query on the delay of the two new classrooms, which have never been installed at St. Patrick’s Primary School at Burrenreagh.

“The CCMS seem also quite happy to advise me about the requirement of the Sustainable School Policy and that St. Patrick’s Primary School does not meet the criteria and faces significant challenges.

“I have to challenge this assertion by the CCMS as there are a number of schools within the SEELB area that also do not meet the same criteria regarding enrolment numbers.

“Given that St. Patrick’s Primary School meets all the criteria for a sustainable school, except enrolment, I have to seriously question why then is St. Patrick’s Burrenreagh being singled out for possible closure?

“The written response I received from the CCMS seems to leave me suspicious and minded as to their actual intentions and future plans for St. Patrick’s Primary School at Burrenreagh.

“I hope the CCMS will act as an honest broker and work together with the local community and stakeholders in the area and listen to all options and plans to retain St. Patrick’s Primary School at Burrenreagh.

“There is a very strong mood and determination to overturn the proposal to close this rural school at Burrenreagh and I would be urging the CCMS not to be putting any obstacles in front of St. Patrick’s Primary school, but rather solutions for its retention and future in the local community.”

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