Kieran McCarthy MLA said: “The plan to create a radiotherapy unit at Altnagelvin Hospital is an excellent example of the massive potential on cross-border sharing of health services.
“It is imperative that we examine the possibilities regarding sharing services in health to deliver the best possible care while also delivering the best value for money.
“Our public finances are under massive pressure at present and we need to find positive and innovative ways of delivering even more efficiency, and North-South sharing of health services is a key way of doing this. There are big opportunities in this sector and I believe that this is a very important issue.
“There is massive potential in the health sector for sharing and we must examine all the possibilities to see how best we can meet this potential. Radical approaches are crucial to help us deliver as much as possible for the money we invest in services. Let’s be ambitious and let’s continue to deliver the best quality healthcare and the best value for money.”