David Ford said: “This is a deeply humiliating climbdown for Sinn Fein. They will have to eat much humble pie in the months ahead for the public to forgive them.
“People want to know what game Gerry Adams has been playing. Three weeks ago, Sinn Fein were telling Americans that devolution was stable. Three days ago, Adams said the opposite and rushed off to Downing Street. A few hours ago, we were told that all was well.
“Playing cheap games with the future of devolution is inexcusable. This mess is an indication of the deep immaturity of both Sinn Fein and the DUP and their inability to tackle serious issues. People will now question whether these parties are fit for government.
“Sinn Fein claim they want to see policing and justice powers devolved. Their actions have actually set back progress on this issue. They have also deeply damaged this Executive’s already crumbling credibility and made themselves look like total fools in the process.”