Cllr Alan Lawther said: “What has this Executive done for environmental protection? Devolution gave Northern Ireland a priceless opportunity to set the ball rolling on radical reforms to make this region a green leader. I believe that they are failing on this issue.
“Alliance gained massive support in our motion calling for the creation of an Independent Environmental Protection Agency. Unfortunately we are still waiting for the Executive to make significant progress on setting it up. I fear that we may be waiting for a very long time for its creation.
“The Executive has also made no moves to introduce a Marine Conservation Bill. We need to protect our coastlines and coastal waters because they are one of the cornerstones of our tourism potential.
“The Executive must also examine creating a navigation authority for Lough Neagh to help protect wildlife there. This is especially necessary if we are to have the link down to Lough Erne and boost tourism with the creation of this waterways network.
“Alliance has long campaigned for a levy to be placed on plastic bags to not only protect the environment but also to decrease litter levels. The Executive has done absolutely nothing on this issue either.
“The Executive must also place more emphasis on boosting the green economy and must make sustainability an overarching priority at Assembly and local government level.
“The bottom line is that it’s time for action on the environment if the Executive is to prove to local people that they want to make a real difference in this sphere.”